Friday, May 20, 2011

Who Is Michael Stipe Of R.E.M.

Mr. MICHAEL STIPE is the lead singer of R.E.M. A band recognized by their sound and message. The lead voice of that sound is Mr. Michael Stipe. Are we in what were in for the right reasons or do we secretly hate what we are doing and feel trapped by the income or the income potential? Mr. Stipe is clearly an individual that seems to have a passion for music and has earned the right to be an artist on his own terms. If we pay close attention there is no shortage of frustrated people making a lot of money, however I would not put Mr. Stipe in that category. Golden handcuffs could be defined as anyone who is making a lot of money and hating what they are doing to make their money. Evaluating everything relative to our passion as it relates to our motivation/inspiration and simple desire to do the extra is exemplified by the song Night Swimming. As we move forward it’s the extra that provides us all with the opportunity to be our personal best. We find that if we have to make ourselves do something then this could be a sign that we are not on the right track. What are we having to make ourselves do and who is trying to motivate us to do it? The most important agenda is the agenda that speaks to our heart and only we can know what that is at any given time and this could change at any given time. One might say this is the creative mind. It simply takes courage to believe and have faith the size of a mustard seed to move forward with who we are and to be an example to others to do the same. Thank you Mr. Stipe for being an example of consistency and Inspiration.

Joseph Osborne
Co-founder Academy of Inspiration

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