We posted an entry in the Academy Of Inspiration Magazine on November 1, 2009 on Mr. Tiger Woods. We questioned was it magic, practice, luck or what. We spoke about how Mr. Woods teaches a new generation lessons of how to be a Gentleman and true Champion. We spoke about how he was Inspiring on and off the Golf course, however it is now that Mr. Tiger Woods has one of his greatest challenges. We may never know what the true story is, and after all this is a private family matter. Do we ask ourselves is our public image in keeping with who we really are. In a world of transparency where we seem to hold celebrities to a higher standerd, what standerd do we hold ourselves. What little secrets are we hiding in our closets. For most of us, we have the advantage of not having the whole world knowing about our transgressions. I hope and pray for Mr. Tiger Woods, Mrs. Woods and their Family that they can heal from this most public humiliation. We wish them Grace, Peace, Love and Forgiveness. We also hope and pray for every family suffering during this season of JOY.
Joseph & Bill
November 1, 2009 Posting
Please tell me, is it magic, practice, luck or what. Mr. Tiger Woods teaches a new generation lessons in how to be a Gentleman and true Champion. Inspiring on and off the Golf Course.
Joseph Osborne
He's an attractive, rich athlete. I'm sure lots of hot women are bugging to sleep with him all the time. He has enough money to buy what he wants, including mistresses and paying off his wife. Go for it if that's what you want. Of course, I'm bitter because he never even replied to my marriage proposal that I sent him, *sigh*.
ReplyDeleteStill, he just lost $10M's in endorsements, which, like Bill Clinton, shows stupidity to have an affair when everyone is watching very closely, even though the act itself is not a big deal.